Thursday, December 15, 2005

Seduccion Prohibido: FOUR!

What?! Two episodes in a week? Oh yes my friends, the Seduccion Prohibido saga returns with Chapter Four. This baby's got sauce.

Seduccion Prohibido - Capitulo Cuatro: Quicktime 15.8MB
Seduccion Prohibido - Capitulo Cuatro: Windows Media 15.9MB


canasian said...

This is as naughty as we can get. We are so at BYU.

Sarah C. said...

Oh Jonny-
You're the bestest.
Love, Me.

J-Rad said...

Exactly how did Justin do all the stunt driving? I'm perplexed.

J-Rad said...

And Shark's the man. THE MAN.

canasian said...

Justin just wanted to be in the credits. I figured that since he drove us to the MOA... and yes, Shark is definately the MAN