Thursday, December 01, 2005

You know what you are, Jon...?

An enabler. I vowed I would never have a blog, visit a blog, write on a blog, or use or think of the word "blog". And yet, here I am. I hope you're happy. Unless you are happy. In that case I hope you're not.

You rock, Jon.


Austin said...

I have a comment to make on your comment, Trent. *ahem* "NO Trent, YOU rock!"

thank you

canasian said...

Yeah, Trent's a ROCK!

canasian said...

You were a closet blogger. You just needed a push.

Austin said...

Yeah, Trent's a ROCK!

...unless you're talking about his moral principles, then he's more like warm jello. He just finished saying how he was morally opposed to blogs - while contributing to blogs...

canasian said...

I think Trent just pulled another one of his famous 'Flip Flops'.

Austin said...

...i mean, if you're going to go against your own moral fiber, at least do it with an assumed name, that's all I'm trying to say...