Thursday, March 09, 2006

Castle II: The Castle-ing

So, one of my buddies made this game in two weeks. It's crazy cool and pretty much the best time waster since...blast-billiards, or dare I say it, any season of 24. It's that fun. Oh, and if you beat level 18, you deserve sick mad props.
Enjoy I say, enjoy!
P.S. The Hasselhoff post was #100. Congrats J-Rad!


J-Rad said...

Who in the world got to level 18?!

canasian said...

Dude, I talked to the guy today, and he said he's beat it a couple of times. 20 levels. *snap!

Dustin said...

I DID IT !!!! I BEAT THAT FREAKIN' GAME !!!! I expected some cool little show at the end when you beat it, NOPE! Nothing! It just says "Complete!" I already knew it was complete. Make those stupid little soldiers do a dance, I mean I just wasted ALOT of my time tryin' to kill those little suckers.

Ryan said...

Wooooo! I beat it! Take that, J-Rad!