Sunday, July 09, 2006

I am not obsessed with pro-wrestling...

And I haven't watched it for about 5 years.

But this has to be posted.


Anonymous said...

I have an odd question, being an outside person and this having nothing to do with wrestling... whatever happened to Switch?? I really would like to see it but every time I check... I am left disappointed. lol, but no really, is it coming? Is it still encoding, did a giant furby monster come down from the sky and consume the hard drives it was being stored on, did Ron Howard sue you because he already owned the rights to the film's story? (3 very plausible possibilities) but really, did your mac say 40 years to encode, I have had one tell me that before?

canasian said...

It's ready, but I'm just trying to get the webspace/bandwidth. That's the only thing that's making me keep a bunch of people hanging. Sorry. I'm working on it.