Monday, November 20, 2006

The Return of EuroTrip

Hey folks, sorry if it's been a while. The winner from last week had to be J-rad's child custody comment. This new picture is from San Sebastian, a city on the northern coast of Spain, about ten miles from France. I personally think this looks like the cover of some whiny emo rock band CD, but that's just a suggestion.


jes said...

If you look very carefully in the background of the cabin in "Broke Back Mountain," you will notice this picture hanging on the wall . . .

Anonymous said...

As the sun slowly sets on yet another day of "striking out" with the ladies of Spain...Ryan and his posse consider casting themselves into the Sea of Despair.

J-Rad said...

I have no comment for the contest, but I saw "Casino Royale" last night and I just wanted to rub it in. It was great! Take that, Petey!

canasian said...

I went with Jared and saw Casino Royale. It blew my brains out. Siiick!

jes said...

i love this blog =)

Anonymous said...

Filled with self-loathing and shunned by the world community...the last three guys on the planet that have yet to see "Casino Royale" seek anonymity and refuge in a small fishing village in northern Spain.

Ryan said...

You guys are jerks. Hey, the entire cast of Casino Royale came to Madrid on the 24th for the premiere, so take that!

canasian said...

So, then you saw it, right?

jes said...

cause if you didn't that was kind of a pointless post.

canasian said...

Yeah, you saw it, right? Or did you go to the premiere?

Ryan said...

Uh, yeah, I went to the premiere. And then I made out with Eva Green afterwards. So there. Aren´t you guys supposed to be posting captions for the photo?

jes said...

1. um, I think you're lying.
2. This is way more fun!

canasian said...

Yeah, and I could make fun of the picture a lot easier if it were a little brighter. Maybe next time, we get an asian photographer? Heaven knows they take a lot of pictures.

canasian said...

'Taking a collective moment to ponder their love lives, Ryan and his friends visit the Dead Sea.

canasian said...

"Washed up" may also be an appropriate term.

Kelsey said...

As the hairy European topless ladies pass, Ryan and the clan freeze as they realize that maybe they're all a little over dressed for the occation..."Crap, not again, I thought this beach was okay to frolic...."

Ryan said...

What the heck were those last two comments.

jes said...

Petey, guess what I just saw?!?!?!?!

jes said...

007 =) (that smiley is really smirking, but you can't tell)

jes said...

p.s. Petey, miss ya.