Monday, April 10, 2006

Weekly Photo Caption Contest!

Great job last week, everyone (especially Polk Daddy)! Let's see what you've got here.


Anonymous said...

The "KKK" is proud to introduce their new "WinterWear" line.

Anonymous said...

In order to avoid any ambiguity with the Dress Code...BYU introduces mandatory school uniforms.

Anonymous said...

"I'll see you in white!"

Anonymous said...

"I swear office...I didn't know the can of frosting was loaded!"

Anonymous said...

Tom Twinkie and Dave Ding-Dong enjoyed the Snack-Cake horror classic, "The Day the Sweet-Cream Filling Came Alive!"

Anonymous said...

The world's worst case of cellulite!

Anonymous said...

Wearing white after Labor Day is so wrong!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes...the hungry Giant liked to dip the village children in batter before frying them up...yummy...Tater Tots!

Anonymous said...

Since neither Mary Ann or Ginger wanted anything to do with him...young Gilligan finally married the prettiest starfish he could find...and the union of their love produced a fine young son to carry on the family name.

canasian said...

Much to Spongebob's dismay, Patrick became an alcoholic and abused his children.

Anonymous said...

I am Oral Hygiene Man! Rip, Slip, Brush, AHH!

Jake F. said...

After undergoing a dramatic skin-bleaching procedure, Jon Howe slowly fell into the grips of insanity, fearing all sharp objects and not being adequately visible at night.

Trent Jensen said...

Michael Jackson's son in 35 years.

Ah, who am I kidding? 15.

canasian said...

"What's that? I can't hear you, I'm sound proof."

canasian said...

"Hey baby, why don't you take me home and put me under the sheets. I'll help you to sleep nice and comfy."

canasian said...

"Well, you've heard of men 'foaming at the mouth' for you. Baby, all of me is foaming for you."

J-Rad said...

Who is that mysterious masked commentor? Based on effort alone (and also high-lariousness), Larry wins! Congratulations, petey's dad!