Thursday, September 28, 2006

EuroTrip Again

Hey folks! Sorry it took me a while to get this one up. As far as a winner for last week goes, I think this one has to go to J-rad's "token" comment (although the insults from my Dad came in a close second). For this week, here's a picture of me overlooking the Forum (right by the Colliseum) in Rome. What am I pondering about in this picture? You decide!


Anonymous said...

"If only I had been a good son, and acknowledged my dad as the winner of the last caption contest...maybe he wouldn't have cut off my funds and my inheritance...leaving me stranded here in Europe!"

Anonymous said...

"Breathtaking...the forum of ancient Rome...the scattered remains of the seat of power of the greatest empire in history. Just think of the lasting impact that this once bustling nerve center has had on the societies that...wait a minute...where can I get a gelato?"

jes said...

First off, I love Ryan's dad;
Second, stop pondering about hitting on the hott itailian girl below you and do it!

canasian said...

"Dang.. which way is Mecca?"

Dustin said...

"Hmmmm...Should I pay the dollar to use the toilet, or just try to make it over the railing on that hot italian girl below?"

canasian said...

"Somewhere out there,
beneath the pale moonlight,
Someone's at Brick Oven,
Getting the shaft on tips tonight..."

J-Rad said...

Petey, disheartened over his lack of success with any kind of woman on the trip thus far, contemplates jumping. On the hot Italian girl below.

Anonymous said...

"Friends, Romans, Countrymen...Where are your daughters !?"