Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Weekly Photo Caption Contest! A bit late this week!

If you see trent, be sure to congratulate him on his extensive knowledge of all things Magic: The Gathering. Have fun with this week's photo!


OKJ said...

Go away!

You're too old for Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Luke..............I'm your father.

canasian said...

"After a long trial, Vader and Fett were sentenced to twelve years in a maximum security prison."

Anonymous said...

"Stranger Danger"

Anonymous said...

Little Billy Thompson...about to discover that his weapon was a useless plastic toy.

Jake F. said...

In a landmark case, the Imperial Senate ruled that same-sex unions would be allowed to adopt orphaned jedi younglings.

canasian said...

"Yeah, and Boba, you suck fat a**. Yeah, I'm talking to you."

J-Rad said...

Bleeped swearing aside (sorry, Jon), Polk Daddy takes it this week with his creative gay joke. Who knew the Empire allowed that sort of thing? I guess they turned a blind eye to Threepio. Or maybe that's why there was a rebellion in the first place...